Friday, July 8, 2011

Music Camp Program...

Nico attended a mini music camp at his school the last week of June. It was 3 days filled with fun, friends and music. The last day the school treated the parents and grandparents to a sweet program and lunch from Chik-fil-a. It was a cute little program where the kids (ranging from 3 to 5) lined up in the gym and sang along with their music teacher. I'd say maybe a third of the kids were actually singing though!
Nico had fallen out of bed earlier in the week and had a scab on his lip that he picked at for the first 3 minutes. It looked like he was picking his nose...ha!
As soon as the program was over the hat and the bandana were off. I was actually surprised he wore it AND kept it on during the show.

1 comment:

Tracy Williams said...

Fun!!! Love all the new posts! Miss you guys!