Monday, September 10, 2012

Back to School (Pre-K!!!)...

I can't even type it out...Nico is in Pre-K! It feels like only yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. Time really does fly when you're having fun...and are we ever having fun! This little boy is the light of our lives and I'm a little sad to see him go back to school. I know he will have a great year preparing for kindergarten. This kid has amazing things in his future. 

Happy Birthday LaLa...

Nico and I made LaLa a birthday cake this year (lemon with raspberry filling). We had a great time making the cake and an even better time celebrating Ashley at The Pharmacy later that night. Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world!

More from NYC...

We took a couple of trips to nearby Prospect Park to let Nico burn off some energy. Nico really enjoyed the blocks and the playground. My cousin Joann and I enjoyed watching him and took in the fresh air a cool breeze. 
 Nico is concentrating hard on his project.
 Nico has a new-found love for monkey bars. Mostly he likes to hang from them instead of swinging from bar to bar.
 Nico and Joann
Nico took lots of funny photos while we were at the local market...I had to keep this one.

New York City 2012...

Last month we made our way to NYC. Our main focus was to visit my ill aunt that I haven't seen in a decade or so and that David nor Nico has never met. After a wonderful visit on Saturday afternoon, we took in some of the sites of the city. Nico desperately wanted to ride on the subway and my dad wanted to show Tammy the city. We took the F train to 34th Street and walked to Empire State Building and Times Square. It was an eventful afternoon. My dad ended up having issues with his diabetes and had to be taken to the hospital. That delayed our trip home, but it was nice to get in a few extra days with family that we don't see nearly enough.
 My boys walking to get their subway tickets.
 Can you tell he is excited?!
 Tammy and Babbo on the train.
 Family self portrait.
 Empire State Building (sign). We only went into the lobby. It cost $25 to go up to the observation deck...ummm...maybe next time.
 Cheesin' by the subway sign.
 Nico is showing off his NY pretzel/dancing.

 David and Nico in Times Square.
 Nico with a giant Lego Empire State Building at the Toys 'R' Us store in Times Square.
Babbo admiring Nico on the train ride into the city.

Nora is here...

Nico's newest cousin, Nora Grace, arrived last month and Nico was instantly smitten. I think he looks good holding a little baby...

The Karate Kid...

Nico started karate last month. He loves all things ninja, so I think it's a perfect fit. He's doing pretty well so far (especially compared to soccer). If I can just get him to want to practice. He has his first tournament later this month. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post (maybe in a few months or so...I kid, I kid).
 Silly pose: Yes, that's a basil leaf in his mouth.
And now the double thumbs up.

Blueberry Pickin'...

We went blueberry picking for the first time ever this summer! It was SO FUN! I think I liked it more than Nico did. It was very therapeutic. I also made a yummy dessert with all of our loot.
 My little blueberry pickin' man.
 Our bounty.
 So handsome.

Say "Blueberries!"

Fourth of July 2012...

We went to the Mt. Juliet 4th of July fireworks show again this year. We had a great holiday. We started off on the Cumberland River with some friends, headed home for a family nap, dined out and enjoyed the fireworks. The best part was not getting stuck in the crazy traffic because of our awesome parking spot!!!
 Happy boy!!!
 I love him more than words can express!
 Our little family.
My boys enjoying the show.