Monday, April 28, 2008

Quick Visit

We went to AL for a quick visit on Saturday. First we went to Granny's and then to Sarah and Adam's to visit with them, Emma, MeeMaw and Julie. Their new house is beautiful! Emma didn't know what to think about Nico. I am looking forward to them being able to play together!
Nico and his Aunt Sarah

I guess we were too loud...Nico kept burying his face in David's armpit while he was sleeping!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2 Month Check-Up

Nico went to the doctor yesterday for his 2 month check-up. He is doing great! He weighed 12lbs. 6oz. and was 24.3" long. He is in the 92 percentile for height and the 71 percentile for weight. He got 4 shots :( He did really well, though. He only stuck out his lip and cried for a few seconds...such a tough man!

Chunky Legs

These are the best shots I could get of Nico's new thunder thighs ;)

All Smiles!

We went to the park on Sunday after lunch. David and I read until Nico woke up. I actually fell asleep, too...until I got hit in the head with another park goer's frisbee! David said he tried to block it from hitting me but wasn't able to. He was able to block it from hitting Nico and that's all that counts. Nico is now smiling and laughing at us when we make silly faces and funny noises. Sometimes he'll even smile in response to us smiling. I posted some pics from the park. The last one is us trying to get a good family shot...worked out OK ;P

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lazy Days

Ah, the lazy days of...spring! This is a picture of him snoozing in his bouncy seat this afternoon. He is getting so big! I am no longer feeding him from the breast. I am pumping and feeding him breast milk from a bottle. We are all much happier with this situation! He has really started packing on the pounds since we started this. He went to the doctor yesterday (Gooky, yucky was nothing) and weighed 11.3 pounds. He is in the 65 percentile for weight. We go to the doctor again Monday for his 2 month check-up and shots. I'll post again soon. Hopefully I can get a shot of his chunky legs. I'll put it on the next post. I guess he doesn't have my legs anymore ;)

Paige and Robbie

Nico's cousins Paige and Robbie came up to Nashville for part of their spring break. They were so excited to meet Nico. They were great! Paige even got to feed Nico. We all went to Dave and Buster's Monday night to go bowling and shoot some pool. We had a blast!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Our Trip to the Park

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Nashville. David and I took Nico to Centennial Park. We also ate at Which Wich, a great sandwich place, and went to Sam's Club. Nico did great! Another big adventure ;)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Our Day Out

Nico and I ran errands today...LOTS of errands. Nico did sooooo well! We left the house at 10:30. We went to Sears to pick up his 1 month photos (Nico fell asleep on the way to the mall). Then it was off to The Children's Place for some shopping. I felt I was pressing my luck, so we headed back to Sears to leave, but some cute shirts caught my eye. We made it to the car without the little man waking off to Kohl's to return some shoes. As I was heading to Babies 'R' Us Nico woke up. I planned it this way...they had rocker/gliders for me to use while I fed Nico a bottle. I got what I needed and we were out the door and headed home. I was so proud...he did SO good!!!! Have a great weekend everyone!