Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nico's Big Boy Bedroom...

This weekend was completely devoted to making over Nico's room. We have been talking and reading a lot lately about his big boy bed. I purchased the bedding awhile back and we've been looking at it pretty frequently. He stayed at mom's all weekend so that David and I could get this done in one weekend instead of four! Thanks Giggy and Wampus!!! It was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it-he loves it! It's car/truck themed-right up his alley! I have to admit that this was hard for me, emotionally. My baby's in a big boy bed! Diapers are the last baby thing I have left to hold onto...he may be in diapers until he starts kindergarten!!! OK, pre-K ;) He's been saying he's ready for a big boy bed. Tonight we will see. I am hoping that he sleeps well tonight...and tomorrow during nap time!
Before: Sweet, yellow and brown bee-themed nursery.
After: ALL BOY-Blue and grey car and truck theme!
Jumping with joy!
I think he likes it!!!
Let me tell you the story behind this bench. It all started about 5 years ago. David and I purchased this old, wooden (quite frankly, ugly) coffee table. We refinished it and actually used it as a coffee table for several years. We recently got a new table (the old one was ugly, remember??) and I decided to transform this $5 table into a reading bench. A little foam, fabric and buttons and we have a masterpiece! Nico actually uses it as a "road" for his cars and trucks now, but I'm holding out hope that once he knows how to read this will be his favorite spot :)

1 comment:

The Roap Family said...

This post kinda makes me sad because I want our babies to stay little forever... but what a cool room! Can't wait to see it in person!