Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ghouls at Grassmere...

Nico had a very busy day. After the Molasses Festival (see post below) and a quick nap, we headed to the Nashville Zoo for Ghouls at Grassmere. This was the first time Nico got to officially dress up in his monkey costume. I got him a fake banana at a craft store. It totally made the costume!
Our little monkey man!
Nico, Owen (giraffe), Thomas (giraffe) and Molly (pink poodle)
I think the rubber banana only works because Nico is teething. He held on to it all evening!


Tracy Williams said...

I love his stinkin cute!

The Roap Family said...

We are BaNaNaS over that adorable monkey =)

Zach and Kim said...

He is just about the cutest little monkey I have ever seen.